How to Download Your Birth Charts (Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys)
Oct 13, 2023I use multiple systems when working with clients because each system unveils a unique layer of a client’s soul and psyche.
The systems I use are Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Cards of Destiny and Name Numerology.
Learning the Systems in Order
When you begin your journey using these systems, I recommend starting with your Astrology Natal Birth Chart because it gives the broadest overview of your personality and life. I run a client’s Name Numerology at the same time as their birth chart because often the Astrology Chart validates their Name Numerology. Most of the time I see the same traits appear in both.
Next, I’d recommend exploring your Gene Keys. The Gene Keys are laid out in a particular sequence that you can follow like a map. Each Key comes with a detailed description that serve as journal prompts for self reflection making the Gene Keys an easy to use, do-it-yourself system without needing to study any symbols or mythology.
Once you know your Astrology chart and have started the process of self reflection with the Gene Keys, your Human Design Chart will provide more detail to your Astrology chart.
Cards of Destiny is a newer system that I recently added to my tool belt. I still refer to Astrology Charts as my main source, but I have found truth in this system as well, especially in regards to relationships between people.
Advice on Working With Multiple Systems
As you work your way through each chart and system, give yourself time to absorb and digest new revelations. Take as much time as you need. Absorb new information one piece at a time. There is no rush to learn all the systems at once.
When you learn something new, observe how what you learned shows up in your life. Ask yourself lots of questions about how that part of your personality or programming serves you and if it is constructive or destructive to your life and growth. This self reflection process requires both logically understanding AND emotionally feeling the impact of the trait or belief on your life. You may find you have to make changes to re-align to your authentic self or reach your goals.
Give this process ample time before moving on to a new insight.
Now let the journey of self discovery begin!
Follow the instructions below to download each of your charts.
Human Design
Go to
Type in your information and download your chart.
My favorite free resource to learn more about each of the Gates is
Additionally, Jovian Archive and the International Human Design School, the organization and school founded by Human Design’s creator Ra Uru Hu to promote and teach the system, have a library of free lectures and writings by Ra.
For deeper study, I recommend getting a subscription to
Genetic Matrix is professional software that gives you access to multiple types of charts and includes explanations about each element in a chart.
Also, the Human Design text book by the founder Ra Uru Hu is a must for anyone wanting to learn the whole system. Purchase it here.
Gene Keys
Go to
Type in your information and download your chart.
For deeper study, I recommend purchasing “The Gene Keys” book. Then, to further explore the significance each sequence, you can read “Genius,” “Love,” and “Prosperity.”
Buy the books here.
Cards of Destiny
To learn your primary cards, go to and type in your birthday where it says “What is Your Birth Card?”
To dive deeper into Cards of Destiny, I recommend Robert Lee Camp’s books and software found at
Name Numerology
I give client’s their Name Numerology chart as part of an Astrology Soul Blueprint Reading.
If you would like your Name Numerology chart without an Astrology reading, for $35 I will send you your Name Numerology chart with a short video explaining the main elements in your chart. You can purchase your chart + video here.
You can learn how to create and interpret your own Name Numerology chart in my Name Numerology Course. Purchase the course here.
Astrology Natal Birth Chart
Firstly, I do not recommend Co-Star.
Personally, I recommend working with full wheel charts or working with someone who can read charts.
If you are interested in learning how to read charts and use astrology in your daily life...
- Take one of my courses,
- Join my monthly free class Guided Chart Reading Practice Sessions,
- Attend a workshop or
- Start learning the basics by reading articles on my blog.
If you want to start reading daily charts or do spot readings for friends, I highly recommend buying the AstroGold app for your phone. It's worth the one-time payment of $40!
If you want to do Professional Readings, I highly recommend AstroGold's professional software (for Mac users only.) PC Users use Solar Fire.
Now that that is out of the way, let's download your natal birth chart!
Follow the written instructions below or follow along my YouTube video. The video walks you through the same instructions. Click on the YouTube thumbnail below.
- To download your chart for Free, go to
- Click on 'Horoscopes' > 'Extended Chart Selection'
- Click on 'Enter birth data.' *If you already have an account on, jump to Step 4.
- If you plan on running charts often, especially for friends and family, I recommend creating a free account. Every chart you create will be saved in your library.
- Enter your birth data and click 'continue.' You don't need to hit 'show / hide extended settings' at this time.
- If you plan on running charts often, especially for friends and family, I recommend creating a free account. Every chart you create will be saved in your library.
- Now you should be on the 'Extended Chart Selection' page. Use the settings in the following images. I've put a few notes about settings below:
- If you already have an account on, next to 'Horoscope for:' click on the name button with the drop down arrows to choose a person's chart. To add a new person, next to the name click the blue "+Add" button.
- The 'Start date' doesn't matter in this case because we are not looking at transit charts.
- Next to 'Image size' Click on 'landscape, if possible'.
- Under 'Aspects' check 'to Chiron' and 'to lunar node and eclipses'.
- Under 'Aspects' check 'to Chiron' and 'to lunar node and eclipses'.
- Under 'Additional objects' click on Pars Fortunae, Vertex, Lilith, Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Eris, Aldebaran, Antares, Regulus, Sirius, Algol.
- You may add any extra asteroids and fixed stars that you wish to see.
- Then click the big green button, "Show the chart >>"
9. Once you see your chart, you may right click on the image and click 'Save Image'. In addition to saving it as a PNG, I recommend saving it as a PDF. I have found that the PDF version of these charts work best and are the most clear.
1. You can click on "PDF Additional tables" to download a list of your planet and house degrees.
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